Our skilled orthodontist and team provide a full range of orthodontic treatment options to help you align your teeth and jaw and receive the care you need. Orthodontic treatment is designed to improve the health and function of your teeth and mouth as well as enhance your smile, and we are committed to creating individualized treatment plans that meet your needs. To find out more about common orthodontic treatments in Elkton, Maryland, and schedule a consultation with Dr. Julianne Wyman, call Wyman Orthodontics today at 410-398-1221.
There are many types of orthodontic treatments available, and our orthodontist will carefully evaluate your teeth and mouth to determine which type of treatment is right for your needs and will be most effective for you. This initial evaluation will include X-rays to determine your tooth position as well as a more comprehensive exam by our orthodontist. We will discuss your oral health, tooth positions and treatment options with you in order to create your personalized treatment plan.
We invite you to contact our team today to find out more about your orthodontic treatment options and make your appointment with our experienced orthodontist.
Schedule your appointment with Dr. Julianne Wyman.